Queens of Syria (the documentary) tells the story of fifty women from Syria, all forced into exile in Jordan,who came together in Autumn 2013 to create and perform their own version of the Trojan Women, Euripides’ timeless Ancient Greek tragedy about the plight of women in war. Not one of them had ever acted before.
What followed was an extraordinary moment of cross-cultural contact across millennia, in which women born in 20th century Syria found a blazingly vivid mirror of their own experiences in the stories of a queen, princesses and ordinary women like them, uprooted, enslaved,and bereaved by the Trojan War.
It was a process charged with emotion and fraught with challenges, as long buried issues came to the surface, and at times the project itself hung in the balance.
Yasmin Fedda’s subtly crafted and beautifully shot film explores the difficult choices the women have to make about appearing on stage, and the close relationships they form within the group as they explore with each other their experiences. It shows their bravery and determination that their stories should be told to the world.
The original production was invited to go on tour in the US and Switzerland, courtesy of Georgetown University in Washington DC, and Columbia University in New York, but sadly the casts visas were denied, so the tour was 'virtual' since unfortunately our original cast were unable to travel to the US as their visas were rejected. Listen here to the story on NPR. After we showed the trailer and some short clips from the documentary footage from 'Queens Of Syria', The inspirational cast of The Trojan Women received a standing ovation from a visibly moved Georgetown audience.Under the expert moderation and translation of Syrian broadcaster Honey Al Sayed, the cast, director and audience were able to have a discussion about the project, sharing experiences of participating in and of watching some of the performance. Despite thousands of miles and visa denials, the team at Georgetown enabled our cast to tell their stories and ask their questions, and gave the Washington audience a flavour of what (we hope!) is to come if visas are granted and a live performance is made possible.
You can discover more about the event in a report by Peter Marks in the Washington Post and also in a Foreign Policy article by Ambassador Cynthia Schneider, co-founder of the Georgetown Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics.
The Talberg Institute also hosted nine of the cast members to mount an abridged version of The Trojan Women at CERN in Switzerland.
The original production was invited to go on tour in the US and Switzerland, courtesy of Georgetown University in Washington DC, and Columbia University in New York, but sadly the casts visas were denied, so the tour was 'virtual' since unfortunately our original cast were unable to travel to the US as their visas were rejected. Listen here to the story on NPR. After we showed the trailer and some short clips from the documentary footage from 'Queens Of Syria', The inspirational cast of The Trojan Women received a standing ovation from a visibly moved Georgetown audience.Under the expert moderation and translation of Syrian broadcaster Honey Al Sayed, the cast, director and audience were able to have a discussion about the project, sharing experiences of participating in and of watching some of the performance. Despite thousands of miles and visa denials, the team at Georgetown enabled our cast to tell their stories and ask their questions, and gave the Washington audience a flavour of what (we hope!) is to come if visas are granted and a live performance is made possible.
You can discover more about the event in a report by Peter Marks in the Washington Post and also in a Foreign Policy article by Ambassador Cynthia Schneider, co-founder of the Georgetown Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics.
The Talberg Institute also hosted nine of the cast members to mount an abridged version of The Trojan Women at CERN in Switzerland.
The original production was invited to go on tour in the US and Switzerland, courtesy of Georgetown University in Washington DC, and Columbia University in New York, but sadly the casts visas were denied, so the tour was 'virtual' since unfortunately our original cast were unable to travel to the US as their visas were rejected. Listen here to the story on NPR. After we showed the trailer and some short clips from the documentary footage from 'Queens Of Syria', The inspirational cast of The Trojan Women received a standing ovation from a visibly moved Georgetown audience.Under the expert moderation and translation of Syrian broadcaster Honey Al Sayed, the cast, director and audience were able to have a discussion about the project, sharing experiences of participating in and of watching some of the performance. Despite thousands of miles and visa denials, the team at Georgetown enabled our cast to tell their stories and ask their questions, and gave the Washington audience a flavour of what (we hope!) is to come if visas are granted and a live performance is made possible.
You can discover more about the event in a report by Peter Marks in the Washington Post and also in a Foreign Policy article by Ambassador Cynthia Schneider, co-founder of the Georgetown Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics.
The Talberg Institute also hosted nine of the cast members to mount an abridged version of The Trojan Women at CERN in Switzerland.
In 2013 Refuge Productions in partnership with Oxfam mounted a new production of Euripides’ great anti war tragedy the Trojan Women in Jordan with a cast of Syrian refugee women displaced by the war in Syria. The production was intended both as a psycho-social support measure for the participants, and as an advocacy tool to highlight the plight of Syrian refugees. The women who participated arrived at the workshops in varying states of suffering from depression, feelings of isolation and PTSD. Without claiming that the production cured these, the Syrian psychologist we employed to monitor the workshops and rehearsals confirmed that the process allowed the women to take back a great measure of self confidence and self respect, as well as finding a new support group through sharing each others’ stories and experiences. In 2013 the refugee crisis engulfing the region as a result of the civil war in Syria was very under-reported internationally. We correctly projected that showing this crisis in a different and dramatically surprising way would have a much wider impact in reporting terms, and as such the play was widely covered by regional and international press both in newsprint and on television.


Refugees and asylum seekers explain to you why they were driven from their own homes and came to live in the UK, through a series of podcast interviews with Charlotte Eagar and William Stirling, creators of the Trojan Women Project.
Episodes 1-3 tell the story of Arwa, a Palestinian Syrian actress, and how she and her beloved golden retriever, Jacko, finally escaped the devastating civil war and made their way to the UK and safety, overcome the odds, including being made homeless, to find love, happiness and stability with Jonathan her fiancé, and their new born baby, Arthur.
Why Am I In Your Country? launched through the Mail on Sunday on 11th February 2024 in You Magazine with an interview with Arwa and Jonathan about finding love in a homeless shelter.
The latest project from the Trojan Women Project, a combined psycho-social support and drama project for refugees, Why Am In Your Country? allows refugees and asylum seekers to tell their stories directly to the host audience, in a powerful and compelling manner.
Working with refugees and asylum seekers who are part of their regular drama psycho-social support workshops, currently running at the Chelsea Theatre, Charlotte Eagar and William Stirling are creating a ten episode pilot project of the podcast that launched in February 2024.

Trojans UK 22-25
"Astonishing...deeply moving...magnificent"
"4 stars"
(Audience reviews TROJANS UK 22 K&C Festival showing)
Tell YOUR story to the world.
All refugees/asylum seekers welcome.
Come along, meet new friends, have fun and lunch.
A new drama production written and performed by refugees from the highly acclaimed Trojan Women Project working towards a theatre adaptation of Euripides' great anti-war Greek tragedy.
Workshops are open to women and men over 16.
Free hot lunch at 1 PM for participants. Free child-care facilities for younger children.
​£10 travel expenses
Trojans UK Chelsea
Chelsea Theatre
7, World's End Place, London SW10 0DR
Every Thursday 10am to 1.30pm​​
Thanks to support from the National Lottery Community Fund Awards for
All, we have been given the opportunity to provide hope and support for
many refugees and asylum seekers in Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster
and Hammersmith and Fulham since 2022. We have been running regular drama
workshops and produced five public performances of their brave and beautiful work at the
K+ C Festivals, the FT Weekend Festival and Hush Unheard Voices Festival. We very much
hope to continue these workshops in the future, working towards public performances
in the summer of 2025. We will start the workshops again shortly.
Thank you National Lottery Community Fund Awards for All!
Trojans UK Hounslow ​​
The Arts Centre, Hounslow
Every Wednesday from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
OR 2pm to 4.30pm
For queries please click on the button below or call/text these numbers.
07769603233 / 07796633706
Charlotte Eagar / William Stirling
​​Iryna (Ukraine 2022):
"Trojans is a magic that allows one to go out of your own bubble, tell your story to others, acquire new experience in acting, communicating and interacting with people of different nationalities."
Badhurry (Afghanistan 2021):
"Being a refugee is strange and complicated. It requires a certain process to integrate in a new society… I wish every refugee could experience Trojans and feel peaceful mind through performance and Drama."
"Every refugee has their own story, culture and values but most importantly we all live in a new society, with new culture and challenges. Finding and discussing common ground, through drama helps initiate ideas to overcome the challenges."
Nadia (Ukraine 2022):
"I hope that this project will help refugees overcome trauma and send a strong message to the world that wars and violation of human rights have always been harmful to humanity and to women.”
Our core aims are helping refugees overcome isolation, trauma, depression and giving them a platform to tell their stories to their host communities as well as building links and trying to provide new professional and personal opportunities.

by watching our films
Buy or rent our films and all proceeds go towards supporting our ongoing projects and our refugee participants.
Our films aim to amplify and document the voices and lived experiences of our refugee cast who participate in our joint therapeutic/advocacy projects.
Watch our films to gain an insight into our work, and support our ongoing projects.

18 months into Trojans UK 22-23-24, we're delighted to announce the success so far of our new, long-term, country-wide project for refugees and host community members. We are touring the Trojans UK through a series of community drama workshops. The workshops will help cultivate cross-community ties and give our refugee participants a platform to tell their stories.
This project is aimed at Ukrainian, Afghan and Syrian refugees, as well as any other migrants and host communities who wish to be involved.
Partnering with Chelsea Theatre, after two projects in the last two years, we are now embarking on our third Trojans UK project in London and are currently applying for funding for projects in Hounslow, Stirling and other locations in the UK.
​Trojans UK is a brand new production of Euripides’ great anti-war tragedy, The Trojan Women, with a cast of refugees and host community members – including a core cast of refugees who have been professional actors in their own countries, and host community actors, with a chorus of amateur actor refugees and hosts from drama workshops. The multi-lingual workshops will also help the participants learn English.
Our aim is to have a London run of Trojans UK in two years time, but we are also working towards a London ‘mini-tour’ of the project so far.

The Trojans - on Location
